Sunday, August 29, 2010


I think there are witches everywhere! They are in my closet, in my room, in the hallway...especially when it is dark or when I want some attention. I scream that I see a witch and people come to help me. Everyone reminds me that witches are pretend. I know they are pretend and that I can just throw a bucket of water on them and they will melt, but I still freak out a bit!

Friday, August 27, 2010

More Cousins!

I think everyone knows that I will have a new baby girl or baby boy cousin in November. Aunt Carolyn is pregnant with baby #3 and I can not wait to meet him or her. you all know I have another cousin on the way?

That is right...Aunt Jenny is pregnant and is expecting a baby girl or baby boy in February. In fact, the baby is due right on my BIRTHDAY...February 19th! Pretty cool huh?

I am so excited that I will have more cousins to play with! I LOVE my cousins!

Guess what everybody?!?

Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob and Anna are moving back to Kansas City...and I mean right this very moment! That is right....they are driving here right now and everyone is helping them unpack tomorrow! Uncle Rob got a good job back in KC and they are coming home! Hip Hip HOORAY! I am SO EXCITED!

Driving people BONKERS

So, potty training has not been the easiest thing in the world, but I have done really well. The challenge right now is pooping. I do it in the potty and do not have accidents, but I make a HUGE production out of it. Pretty much all day long I talk about it and say "I have to go poopie", only to wait for someone to get up and help me and then tell them "I don't". When it gets close I throw a real fit and will say "poopie is coming, poopie is coming" and will race back and forth from the potty until it is finally about out. I will not sit on the potty until it is about out! Let's just say it wears EVERYONE out. I have heard mommy, daddy and Nama all say I am "driving them BONKERS"!!


"We live in America." That is what I told Nama today. When she asked me where I learned that I told her from Papa Dick. I learn something new every day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Today I told Nama "root beer has caffeine in it". That is what I heard mommy say the other day. I guess she is going to research which root beers have caffeine in them because she thinks I got all wired up after having a root beer at Granite City the other night! It was sure yummy!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Left Footed

Today while we were at Blue Valley West playing soccer Daddy noticed I am left footed! I guess I kick the ball with my left foot all the time. Funny because I am right handed! Wonder if this means I will be a gifted athlete! Hahahahah, you never know!

Monday, August 23, 2010

"I'm the Mommy today"

That is what I have been telling everyone who even looks my way: waiters, hostesses, the people at the hotel, cashiers, the UPS man...everyone. I say "I'm the mommy today, not Kate"!

Then for some reason my mommy feels like she has to add "she changed her name today - it is a different name everyday" me doing this is not normal or something, how embarassing!
The mommy (aka Kate)


Do you see the Cabbage Patch Kid sitting with me on the hotel bed? Well, that is Aunt Jenny's baby from when she was a little girl! His name is Craig and she was her baby doll Anna's little brother. Aunt Jenny carried Anna and Craig everywhere when she was little. Craig has been in storage for a VERY LONG time. I could tell he has been excited I have been playing with him. He has even even been chosen to sleep in bed with me and he was super excited when I took him to the hotel! He and Lambie are great friends now!


Mommy introduced me to a movie she loved when she was a kid "Annie" and I LOVE it! I love all the singing and dancing and the fun story! Miss Hannigan scares me a bit but I say "she is a funny bad girl" and I really like her even though she is scary! I have seen the movie 1 1/2 times and am just starting to pick up on the songs. I sing "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, you're only a day away" and "Dumb Dog, why are you following me" - I can't wait until I learn more.

Who knows, maybe I will change my name to "Annie" one day just like my mom did!


I had the best time yesterday and today! Since mommy and daddy did the big summer vacation by themselves in Hawaii this year they had a great idea for the 3 of us to go to The Great Wolf Lodge here in Kansas City! We stayed there last night and had SO MUCH FUN! I LOVE hotels…I kept saying “this is my favorite place, my favorite bed, my favorite phone, etc…” Everything at this hotel was my “favorite”! The coolest part was all there was to do at the hotel. They had a cool water park, an arcade, an ice cream shop, a store and all sorts of stuff!

When we got there we changed into our bathing suits and went straight to the water park! They had all sorts of fun stuff I played with – pools, water slides, fountains – everything with water! We also played in the arcade and daddy won me a cool ball and some silly stuffed animal…all on the first try!

We had a yummy dinner and then Papa Dick came to see us. We showed him all around our cool place and then played outside a bit! There were 2 ducks right by our patio and they would come really close to me…none of us were afraid!

I got in my pjs to go to the Clock Tower show and story time at 8am! All the other kids had there pjs on too. The clock tower came alive with the animals all talking and then the lady came and read a really long book! I got a little antsy and was the only kid (out of about 25) that could not sit still. I had so much energy I ran all over the place….up the stairs, down the hall to our room, everywhere!!! I had so much energy that I even took my shoe and threw it over the balcony and it almost hit a lady in a wheelchair. Mommy was angry and I had to go and tell the lady I was sorry (it was a really good throw though)! After story time we had dessert at the ice cream shop and then went to our hotel room for bedtime!

This morning we got to play in the water park again…boy do I love all the water stuff! I was sad to tell my hotel room goodbye, but after we left our stay-cation was not over! We went to a shopping center and did a bit of shopping, then went to Cabella’s to look at all the animals (stuffed) and fishies. I even got to feed the fish…they would go CRAZY when I threw in the fish food! To end our stay-cation we went to McDonald's for lunch!!!

It was so much fun! I can’t wait to go back there for another stay-cation!

This place gets a BIG Thumbs Up!

Can you see Daddy and me up really high?? Daddy is waving!

Every few minuts water would crash out of the big bucket! I did not really like that part!

I love this old fashion phone they had at the hotel! A phone with a cord?? How funny! I pretended to talk on it all night long!

The Sweet shop!

This is the clock tower - where story time was!

I got freaked out on this game at the arcade! I just went to sit on it and did not put any money in it....all of the sudden it started to move like a roller coaster! OMG!

I liked this rocket ship!

Here is Daddy and I with all the prizes he won me! Good job daddy!

Daddy and I "chas'in" down the hallway to our room!

Papa came and took some pictures of all 3 of us!

2 little duckies right out our hotel room!

Papa Dick and I at story time! Me and all the kids!

Her name was Violet and I loved her. I stood in line 2 times to get my picture taken with her and give her hugs!

Swin Lessons!

I had my very first swim lesson Saturday morning at the Blue Valley Rec Center pool. It was really neat! There were 10 kids and 10 parents in my class! We were in a HUGE pool and the teacher had us do all sorts of fun stuff. Daddy was in the pool with me and mommy took pictures!

Daddy and I went around and around in circles in the pool. He flipped me around, I swam on my belly and my back and he even dunked in the water a bunch (the teacher made him)! We also got to jump of the side of the pool and daddy caught me (I am really good at that)!

I can’t wait until my lesson next week…wonder what I will learn then!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy half birthday to me!

Today marks my two and a half birthday! We celebrated by going to Blue Valley Southwest soccer fields and playing soccer and then going to the new Shaved Ice place called "Tad's" and we all split cherry snow cones! What a yummy half birthday party!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Potty Training - Status Update

I am doing really well with potty training! I can go pee in the potty flawlessly! I tell mommy and daddy when I have to go and rarely have accidents! Yeah for me!

I wear my big girl panties all day long. I do wear a diaper at nap time and bedtime though – just in case!

My challenge lies in going #2. I just do not want to go in the potty yet and I do not want to go in my diaper either! I have been having some issues with holding it and then that is not good! So – now I am working on this! Hopefully I will have it mastered soon - for everyone's sake!

Kate Larson

Kate Larson was in town this week from California! We were really lucky and she spent most of the day with us last Tuesday. We played with Barbies and had so much fun! When I got home I told mommy “Kate Larson is a nice girl”. In fact, I call her “Kate Larson” whenever I refer to her.

On Sunday we went over to Miss Sharon and Mr. Mike’s house for a BBQ. Kate Larson was staying over at their house all week and they played a fun dinner for everyone to come over and play with her!

It was like Miss Sharon knew what all my favorite foods were! She has little water bottles, hot dogs, chips and dip, strawberries, mac ‘n cheese and cookies! She even has Toy Story 2 fruit snacks! YUMMY!

There were some other big kids at the party too (Kate Larson’s friend). They were all so nice and let me play with them all day long! I learned how to play soccer! They showed me how to play and I even scored some goals! They also took me downstairs and let me play pin ball! I got to eat with them too! I love to play with BIG kids!

I can’t wait to see Kate Larson again!

Play Date

I was really lucky this weekend and got to have a play date with my best friend Sydney at her house! Mommy told me a could bring a toy to Sydney’s house for us to play with….I decided to bring 4 pairs of shoes for us to play with! Mommy thought that was really funny, but I thought it was a great idea! Sydney and I each wore one Ruby Red Slipper!

We had so much fun playing together! Miss Lori made an obstacle course for us to do. We had to put these little shoestring potato chips in a cup, put on a pair of shoes, blow bubbles with a straw, climb the bar stool, peal and eat a banana, then put a pillow on our head and run back to mommy! It was funny! We even got pulled around on the big parachute and we giggled like crazy!

We played outside with Sydney’s little swing set too. I can’t wait for our next play date!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Growing up!

I can not believe how big Kate is getting. It is amazing how fast the past 2 1/2 years have flown by and how much fun she is! We have a normal bedtime routine: cuddle with mommy and daddy in their bed, giving "one-more-time" kisses (one kiss between every word), brush teeth and drink water, rocky rock, rocky rock some more, giving some more "one-more-time" kisses, mommy putting Kate to bed, then kisses and hugs, "do you want the door open or closed" (Kate always says opened), etc....

Tonight (and last night for the matter) Kate skipped a very important step in the routine - a step that we would spend many many minutes (sometimes hours in the early days) doing and a step that used to make her beg for more. She did not want to rocky rock. She wanted to go right into her bed. Now, that did not mean she was going to bed. Kate still wants to cuddle with us in her bed and wants us in her room as much as possible. But, boy is she is just growing up!


Thursday, August 12, 2010


This past Sunday we went to Pittsburg to celebrate GiGi and Gipa Bradfiends 60th wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary! We all went out to lunch and had a little party!! I had yummy mac 'n cheese!

After lunch we went to Kiddyland. It is a fun carnival for little kids like me. Daddy went there when he was little! I got to ride the airplane! I loved the yellow airplane and I smiled and laughed the whole time. I did not like the blue one though - I screamed the whole time. It was way past my bedtime and I was ready to go home! Good thing is that we have tickets to go beach there next time we are in Pittsburg! Next time I will ride the train!


School Supplies!

Believe it or not, even a 2 year old going to school one day a week needs some school supplies! I am required to bring a nap mat, a backpack, a lunchbox, a blanket, labeled clothes and supplies and a laundry basket to store it all in!

Tonight mommy and I went to Target to get some stuff before it was all gone! I choose Hello Kitty as my lunchbox and backpack! Here is what they sort of look like!


I am excited to tell you that I will be going to school in a few weeks! Mommy and Daddy enrolled me in a Mommy's Day out program 1 day a week from 9:30-2:30! I have 5 other kids my age in my class and I can't wait to meet them! We will play, have story time, do puzzles, rest, eat lunch (I have to pack and bring my own), make crafts and all sorts of fun stuff!

I think I am going to have a boy in my class named "Nick" and I keep talking about him! Mommy and Daddy think it is funny because we really have no idea of the names of any of the kids in my class!

We have rest time scheduled in the day. I hope they will let me take a nap because I still really need naps!

I start in September! I can't wait!


Believe it or not, this is my 400th post on the blog! I have been a busy little bee updating you on what happens with me! Thank you for reading my blog!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Last Saturday, I went out to the Legends to check out T-Rex. I was a little scared at first, but soon adapted and learned to like it. Did I mention they have the best pizza in the world?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another potty update....

I am doing really good with the potty. It has been a straight 4 days that I have been wearing big girl panties and telling everyone when I need to use the big girl potty. I have had a few accidents, but that's okay! I still need to work on going #2 in the potty - that one I have not yet mastered. In fact, mommy is nervous I am holding it and will give myself a tummy ache!

Swimming Friend

Tonight mom, dad and I went to the pool. I met Kylie, a girl that will turn 3 in a few weeks and lives a few houses away from me. While mommy and daddy talked to her daddy, she and I played. We had so much fun. We carried on great conversations about when we did today, dinosaurs, swimming and all sorts of stuff! I even showed her how to play with my pool toy that shoots water and we did a great job sharing! I would ask her to watch me swim on my back, watch me turn around, watch me spray water and stuff and she would watch. She would even say things like "cool" or "wow" that were really encouraging!

I told her "I like playing with you" and she said "we're swimming friends"! I had so much fun...can't wait to play with Kylie again!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Yesterday Nama and I got to have a play date with Miss Lori and my best friend Sydney! We had so much fun! We played like crazy. I love her kitchen and we did a really cool obstacle course! I got to watch how good Sydney is at the big girl potty! I even gave it a try a few times (although I did not have to go potty)!

When I got there Mr. Aaron answered the door and said "hi Kate"...I quickly and politely told him "no, my name is Dorothy". Miss Lori did not realize my name change either and when she told Kate hi, I told her "no, Dorothy". Pretty soon everyone, even Sydney, was calling me by my preferred name! Perfect!

I hope we make the play date a tradition! I can't wait to play again soon!

"Ali and Roberto"

Daddy's favorite show is "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette"...whichever season is it. I got to watch a little bit on Ali - but did not get to know her as much as I got to know Jake last season! Well, Nama and I were on the computer the other day and I saw a preview for the show and we watched it OVER and OVER again! I loved Ali's shoes and her dress! It made such an impression to me that today I changed my name to "Ali" and Nama's name to "Roberto" (her fiance).

I made everyone call me Ali today! In fact, I asked Nama and Mommy to buy me Ali's shoes.


So, you all know I love "The Wizard of Oz". I have seen it many times, but do you know that I can act out lots of different scenes? Some of my favorite to act out are:
- When Dorothy falls asleep in the poppy's and Glenda makes it snow and Dorothy wakes up
- When Dorothy falls in the pig pen and they help her out
- When Dorothy pours water on the Wicked Witch of the West and she melts
- When Dorothy says "there's no place like home" and then wakes up in her house in Kansas
- When Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion all sing "You're off to see the Wizard"

I just love to pretend. I am a little actress!


I am becoming a really big girl. So big that I have started to call my mommy "mom" more and more. I think she likes it, but is a little sad at how fast I am growing up! I still call her "mommy" too though!


Today is a super BIG day! I went potty on the potty 3 times! Once at Nama's and then I peed once and pooped once at my house! I have become even more interested in the potty since I had my playdate with Sydney yesterday. Sydney is really good at using the big girl potty. In fact, she climbs up on the potty like a little monkey! I use my step stool and my potty is starting to be so much fun! In fact, I was so excited about it tonight that I went to lots of potty's to try out my skill! M&M's here I come!

I am becoming such a BIG girl!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Swimming Lessons & Gymnastics

Mommy and Daddy signed me up for Swimming lessons this morning! I am so excited to show all of the kids how I can jump off the side of the pool and blow bubbles in the water. In October, when swimming lessons are over, I'll start Gymnastics. I hope they let me wear my Dorothy dress.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chiefs Training Camp

Daddy, Mommy & I went to Chiefs Training Camp today in St. Joesph, MO! We had a lot of fun. It was a hot one though. Below are some pics from camp.

The first picture below is the Training Camp Code of Ethics which basically says you can't tell the Chiefs about how bad they were last year.

Here's a picture of Mommy and I soaking up the 95 degree temps!

Here is a picture of Dwayne Bowe and the Chiefs 2nd round pick Dexter McCluster (#22). Daddy told me that Bowe dropped too many passes last year and that is why #22 is standing behind him this year.

Charlie Weiss below - the old Notre Dame head coach. He just had knee surgery and is standing in the middle of the field with a cane.

Did I mention they had a fan that blew water at people at Chiefs camp? Believe me, I took full advantage of this opportunity.