Friday, May 27, 2011


This is my 608th posting! Not bad for 3 years of blogging! That means I average about 200 posts per year - 16.6 posts per month - .547 posts per day! Wonder how many more posts I have in me? Hopefully I will keep going and going forever! Every year we turn the year of posts into a blog book which is really cool to have. It's kinda like a year book of what we've been up to! Totally cool!

Royals game!

I am a HUGE Royals fan. Not necessarily because of baseball or anything, but because of how much FUN it is to go to a Royals game! Last weekend we went to the Royals game when they played the St. Louis Cardinals. I have been to a game before, but I was little and did not remember. We had AWESOME seats (3rd row on the 1st base line) and got to eat yummy hot dogs and nachos!

My favorite part though was the kids zone. They have a really cool play gym (although it got really crowded with kiddos) and fountains to run in and a baseball fountain to splash in. The best part was the HUGE fountain in the outfield though. We would stand out there and watch the game and when the fountains went off and the wind blew we would get soaked and it was FREEZING! I loved it so much that I stood there for a really long time and got soaked! When everyone else would run away from the cold water I would stay right there and shriek with excitement!! I made some people laugh! Can't wait to go back to the Royals game!

Gigi & Gipa

Last weekend Gigi and Gipa came into town and we all got together. They got to play at my house and I showed them lots of my toys and stuff. We then all met Nama Vicki and Papa Dick out for was so much fun! I love it when we all get together!!

Mommy & Daddy went to a concert...

Last weekend Nama Vicki and Papa Dick watched and played with me while mommy and daddy went to the Tim Mcgraw concert. A guy named Luke Bryan opened for them and they said he was really good and entertaining. They were really excited because they were really close to seeing the performers. Look at the great close pictures mommy took. She said she almost touched them!

"Mom, you look really cute in that outfit"

That is what I told mom today when she wore jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt to work today! Mommy really liked that I said that!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

and a few pictures Aunt Jenny would prefer I did not take...


Kate (The paparazzi)


Pictures Mommy would prefer I did not take...

She tells me to take pictures of people...not random stuff. Oh well, I like taking pictures of random stuff.




I love taking pictures and I am pretty good at it. Here are some I took last week with mommy's camera...

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Belated Mother's Day! I have been so busy that I am just now uploading the pictures! We had so much fun on Mother's Day and went to the park, played, opened presents (since I am Lambie's mommy he even got me a little something) and then went to Nama & Papa's for more playing and dinner! It was so much fun. Here are a few pictures!

Fancy Night!

Last night we had a fancy night! We got dressed up all fancy (mommy even wore fancy dress) and went down to the Power & Light district and ate at a fancy steakhouse called "801 Chophouse". It was so pretty and yummy...they made some great mac & cheese and a pretty pink shirley temple for me! Daddy had a big 'ol steak and mommy got tons and tons of side dishes! It was really fun to get all dressed up for a night on the town (even though we had 4:30 was the only time they could get us in and it allowed us to have lots of fun after dinner too). After we went to the Plaza and walked around and shopped...then went to Oak Park mall and went to the Disney store and went on the carousel! It was the BEST NIGHT EVER! When we got home we watched "Justin Biebers Never Say Never: again! I loved it all!

Here we are at the restaurant

Here we are on the carousel!

So EXCITED on the carousel!

Mommy was excited on the carousel too!

Bieber Fever: Part 2

Here I am pretending like I am Justin! I have mommy & daddy pretend to be screaming fans and shout "Justin! Justin! Justin!" and hold their hands up and shape them in a heart (what his fans do)! Once I hear them calling me for the ENCORE I open the door and run in smiling to everyone and then pick up my microphone and sing like crazy! i sing songs like "One less Lonely Girl", "Baby, Baby, Baby" and "You Smile, I Smile"! I have so much fun and my fans are thrilled!

Bieber Fever!!!

That is right....I am a 3 year old girl who has Beiber Fever! Mommy, Daddy and I watched Justin Bieber's movie called "Justin Beiber: Never Say Never"! It was such a wonderful movie with his story and great songs. I never knew of Justin before, but I have been talking about him all weekend! I have been singing his songs, watching his movie over and over and pretending to be Justin. Mommy and Daddy think it is so funny! What they think is super funny is that if I was a few years older I would "love want to marry him"....since I am just 3 i "love him and want to BE him". I am running around singing his songs, flipping my hair like he does and dancing like Justin!

Daddy just downloaded me some of his songs and I think that if I am a GOOD GIRL I will get to buy his new movie!! Justin is SO Cool!




Saturday, May 14, 2011

Last Day of School

This week was my last day of school! I have been going to school since September and really liked it a lot. I have great teachers: Miss Kianna & Miss Alicia and lots of good friends: Joshua, Ethan, Lillie, Ellie, Sameda, JoJo, Bella, Vivian...just to name a few. Miss Kianna and Miss Alicia told Nama and Daddy that I have really stepped out of my shell the past few weeks and am showing them the fun Kate...see, just when it was about to end!

I can't wait to school next year! I will be going to the same place, but will have different teachers and will go 2 days a week. I hope some of my friends from this year are in next years class!

Last Day of Dancing School!

Today was my last day of dancing school. I will really miss going every saturday. In fact, what Miss Jennifer (my teacher) said to mommy today sums it up I am a "very sweet little girl and an observer". Although I spend much of the class watching the other kids and dancing when Miss Jennifer pays special attention to me (which she does often...which is nice); I still love dancing school!

Today was a special day and they let the mommy and daddy's come into the dance studio and we did a performance for them. We got to take pictures and show the dance class off. I really liked that and took a picture with Miss Jennifer and some of me at the bar.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I love to pretend like I am one of the Princess. Today mommy and I played Rapunzel for a long time. She was Mother Gothel and would steal Baby Rapunzel away from me (I was the Queen). When I would wake up from sleeping I would have to go looking for her in the Tower! We played it over and over. I act just like the characters the entire time.

I also tried on my Princess wigs today. "BEST DAY EVER!"


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Being Lambie's mommy

Since I am Lambie's mommy I have to teach him to be a good boy. Sometimes Lambie might do some not so good things and he needs to be punished. Lately one of my favorite things to do is to discipline Lambie. He gets taken to time out, gets yelled at (sometimes a little too much) and gets taught how to be a good boy. It is funny because I say and do a lot of what mommy and daddy do!

Funny stuff I say!

Mom got a chuckle today when I said to Lambie..."Lambie, do you know what you do big boy?....You wear me out!". I wonder where I heard that!

Yesterday when mommy and daddy and I were out and about we were talking about jobs and what job I wanted when I grow up. I said "I don't need another job. My job is playing!"


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dancing School!

Today was my second to last dance school class and I really love it! At first I had a hard time listening and doing what my teacher (Miss Jennifer) was telling us, but I got better every single day! My friend Sydney is also in my class and we dance together. I love dance school!

p.s. they keep the blinds down so the picture the parents take always have the silly blinds in them. I am the one in the dark pink leotard and tutu!