Sunday, September 25, 2011

Apple Picking!!

Aunt Jenny called yesterday with an amazing idea...she had reservations for us to go apple picking in a small orchard in Gardner, KS. It was so awesome! Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley, Mr. Aaron, Miss Laura and Henry all met us there.

We got to pick apples (I even used the BIG picker to get the apples from high in the trees), feed fish (I fed them half of my apple), feed horses (Henry got bit), feed goats (I fed one lots of peaches) and eat apples all along the way!

It was so much fun...I just loved it and spending time with everyone! We got 2 bags full of we are in the fall baking mood! Mom made an apple pie and we are having an apple crisp for dessert tonight....YUMMY! We will have to post pictures of the is SO pretty!

We LOVE the fall!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

October 18th!!!

My cousin Tom gets to get his casts off October 18th...his femur will be healed!! YIPPEE! I think there is going to be a party (at least there should be) and I wish I could be there! I miss my cousin!

He will be up and running around like this in NO time! Yay Tom!!


A few weeks ago mommy, daddy and I all went to the Circus at the Sprint Center. It was my first time to the Circus and the Sprint Center (unless you count when I was in mommy's belly...I heard Garth Brooke's twice)!

The Circus was SO cool. Lots of crazy clowns, animals and people dressed in silly outfits doing crazy things! My favorite was the elephants and the trampoline!

I had so much fun that when we were driving home (at 10pm) I asked mom and dad if we could go to the plaza and hang out! I am a party girl!

Pictures from Mommy's trip

When mommy was in Chicago she did not take too many pictures, but I thought I would share them. Mommy had so much fun playing with all her friends! The first day Amberlyn, Nick and mommy met a sorority sister who was visiting Chicago too (Brooke and her husband Heath). They ate really yummy pizza and caught up!

Amberlyn and mommy did lots of shopping, talking, walking and eating. They had so much fun!

Mommy even got to have brunch with her cousin Colleen and got to meet Colleen's boyfriend Joe. They had lots of fun!

I sure wish I could have gone to Chicago too. Mommy said that next time she goes she will take me. I promised to be a good shopper!


Colleen & Joe

Yummy drinks mommy got at brunch!

Mommy, Brooke and Amberlyn!

Mommy & Amberlyn at brunch!

Mommy & Colleen!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This weekend...

While mommy was in Chicago, Daddy, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick and I played a lot. We went to Cheesecake Factory Saturday night. I ate SO good! I had chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, mashed potato's and some of Nama Vicki's Caesar salad!

After dinner Nama Vicki, PaPa Dick and I went to GiGi's Cupcakes and bought cupcakes, of course I got a HOT PINK ONE! Then we went to Papa Dick's house and I played and made pictures. Daddy ran errands, so I took a bath at Papa Dick's. When I was done with the bath Nama Vicki had run to Macy's and got me a new Hello Kitty. I love it!

It was a fun weekend!

Talking to mommy

This weekend mommy was in Chicago visiting Amberlyn - one of her favorite people. I missed mommy a lot. When we were talking on Saturday on the phone I said to her "mommy, can I talk to you all day?" That made mommy feel really happy...she knows how much I love her!

I had super fun with Daddy, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick though!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

I LOVE school!

Thanks to my new friend Meghan, great teachers and a cool classroom (not to mention because I am getting bigger), I LOVE school! In fact, when mommy asked me the other day how school was I said "awesome!"

My new friend

I have a new friend named Meghan. I call her "my friend Meghan" so as not to be confused with "my cousin Meghan". My friend Meghan goes to my school and I get to play with her 2 times a week. We have so much fun together! She wears a big bow right on the top of her head. Since Meghan wears bows I have become more open to the idea....thing is, I want to wear it smack dab on the top of my head. I think mommy thinks it looks silly. Oh well...I am just like Meghan. So far I have only worn the bow at home...maybe I will wear it out one day!

When Meghan and I leave school for the day we give each other a BIG hug! Sometimes we even pick each other up for hugs! We also like to give each other high fives! I really like my new friend!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Anna!!

Happy 2nd birthday Anna! This weekend she had her party at Nama's house. It was good and bad.

First for the good stuff:

  • We played and played in the sprinkler and in the bounce house

  • Anna got lots of cool presents (and she gave us really cool party favors - crocks, candy and a craft)!

  • We had yummy food and desserts!

  • All our family was together (except for Uncle Tom - he was reffing a football game)!

The bad stuff:

  • Tom fell and broke his was really bad and he was really hurting. I do not like to see my best friend hurt!

  • He had to go to the hospital and was there for 2 nights

  • He had to have surgery

  • He is in a cast from his belly button down one entire leg and to his knee on the other leg

  • He has to rest a lot and can not walk - he gets to watch lots of movies and read lots of books!

  • He has a wheelchair - this is really cool! We even got to go on walks with him!

  • He has a special car seat

  • He will be in his cast for at least 6 weeks.

  • I hate to see Tom hurt, but he is doing really good. I love him so much! we got to watch movies together, talk and read books.

  • I hope Tom gets better really soon...I love Tom!





This weekend went to Pittsburg to hang out with Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Gigi and Gipa! Since it was Labor Day weekend there was lots of fun things to do. It was REALLY hot, but we went downtown to walk around and play in the bouncy house! It was fun! That night we went to Josie's for a good dinner and then to Braum's for ice cream....yummy!! I had so much fun!

First Day of Preschool!!

Yesterday was my first day of preschool! Last year I went to Mommy's Day Out at the same school (Stanley Presbatian), but I am now a bigger girl and go to the 3 year old class. My classroom is called the "Red Room" and it is really cool! It has a computer for kids, a really awesome kitchen that I will be spending lots of time at, books, a craft section and lots of learning things! I am pretty excited for school, although sometimes I am not as thrilled!

When mom dropped me off at school I really did not want her to go. I did not cry at all, but kept asking her to give me hugs and kisses and asked to walk her to the door. Mrs. Smid (Mrs. Partrich is my other teacher) walked with us to the door and then took me to the reading rug.

During the day we read books, played outside, played in stations, learned everyone's names and what to expect from school. When mom came to pick me up she saw me playing on the playground with the other kids. I was so excited to see that she came back for me!

After school I got to pick anywhere I wanted to go to lunch....I picked Taco Bell (of course), then we went shopping and over to Nama's to see Tom.

I go to school two times a week (Tuesday and Thursday) from 9:30 to noon. I have my second class tomorrow. Hope it is a fun day!


Here I am getting ready to leave for the day!

Here I am in front of the sign at school! Miss Paula (the school director) was waiting at the door to great me!

Here I am in front of my hook - I am the yellow heart!

Here I am lining up from recess!

Thank you Uncle Chris!!

Uncle Chris was SO nice and sent me a t-shirt from New York! It says "My crazy Uncle lives in Brooklyn!" It is so cool and soft! Thanks Uncle Chris! I am blowing you a kiss in this picture!