Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mommy's Day!!

Today is Mother's Day and Dad and I made it special for mom. I even let her sleep in looked like she needed some extra rest. We all went out to lunch and then Grandma Fimmen joined us and we toured some model homes. Mom and G'ma like to look at all the decorations and Dad heads straight to the basements to check them out. I just go where ever they take me!

Tonight G'ma and G'pa Horton, G'ma Fimmen, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob and Peanut all came over for a BBQ. Dad sure can grill some good burgers and brats! I had so much fun playing with everyone and getting lots of hugs and kisses.

Here are some pictures mom and dad took today...

This is me getting ready for the party...

Me and my grandma's on Mother's Day...

Me and my mom on Mother's day!.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was fun spending the day with you. You and daddy made mothers day special!! Love grama