Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Patty Cake with Grandma

Grandma and I like to play patty cake (hope that is how you spell it, I asked mom and she did not have a clue...she is not a very good speller)!! Grandma is such a funny lady!! Here is a video of us...





Anonymous said...

Why my little kate sure likes to play patty cake! I love your laugh little girl and how sometimes you are SOOOOOOO serious!

Kate said...

Thanks Aunt Jenny! I think my family is so funny! Love, Kate xoxo

Anonymous said...

I love playing patty cake with you. Especially when we "Pat the dough!"
Love you lots!!!

Grandpa Dick said...

I love watching you sing and laugh, Kate. All my days are more fun when I get to observe you doing things that you like to do.

Uncle Chris said...

I've watched this video - at least - a million times! So cute!