Monday, June 30, 2008

Father's Day

I have been so busy that I have neglected my blog for some time now...I am now going to get back on track!! My Daddy had his first Father's Day and mom and I tried to make it special! We got up and went to the pool and played in both the kiddie pool and the big kid pool! Since we went to the pool so early there were not many people there and we got to have the shallow end of the big kid pool to ourselves. It was so much fun! Unfortunately the rest of the day was pretty rainy, so it was good we played outside early in the day!!
Grandpa Dick came over for dinner and we grilled out steaks and played for awhile! I got Daddy a tool for his grill, a framed picture of me and some other fun stuff! He took the picture of me to his office!!! I love my Daddy!

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