Sunday, August 31, 2008

My week!

This has been a very busy week. While mom and dad are working hard at work I have been working very hard at home trying to learn to be a big girl!

My Dad, Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Dick were all very nice and took off work to babysit me! I had so much fun with everyone! I wanted Grandpa to think I was a really good girl and even waited to have a poopy diaper until mom and dad were home! Grandma even got to send the night and see me a lot this week! It was so much fun!
My little ear infection turned into a really bad one and mom had to take me to an after hours pediatrician to get me checked out. It turns out I did not respond well to the first antibiotic so they had to give me another one. I seem to be feeling a bit better, but we go back to the doctor Friday to check it out for sure. I also have to get my shots this Friday! Not fun at all! I can't remember if I blogged this yet or not, but the doctor decided to wait to do my shots until I am feeling better. Did I tell you all that at my 6 month appointment I weighed 18lbs and 6oz? I am in the 88th percentile or something like that!! I am growing big and strong!
We went to Pittsburg this weekend to see everyone! I got to go and shop at Little Balkans days with mom and Grandma, got to play with Great Grandma and Grandpa and stay the night at G'ma and G'pa's house!! I was so excited to be staying the night in Pittsburg that I barely slept a wink! There was just so much to see and do in Pittsburg...Grandma Vicki's house is full of really cool things for me to stare at! Mom and Dad barely got to sleep because I required them to hold me all night long!! I am really not a fan of that pack and play bed thing they brought me to sleep in!!
My friend Kate Larson sent me a present from California!! It is the cutest grey tank top that says "Surfer Girls Rule"!! I felt totally cool wearing it. I paired it with a cute pair of denim shorts and a fancy pink and green bow! I made a fashion statement! Thank you Kate for thinking of me!!
Here are some pictures!

Dress Up!

Aunt Jenny came over last week and brought me a really pretty dress I might wear for my pictures. The only problem is that it is a little snug on me! It is so pretty though and has the coolest hat! Here are some pictures of it! Mom and Dad have to take me to get my 6 month pictures soon!! Soon I will not be 6 months old anymore! We have just been so busy lately is crazy!!

Here are some pictures in my tutu...I will be wearing this in my 6 month photos. I am even getting a bow made from Grandma Vicki's friend that will match!!! I am so lucky! I feel like I need to get a princess wand made too...then I will be really fancy!

Here I am in my flower girl dress for Aunt Jenny's wedding. Mom and Aunt Jenny are worried it will be too small for the wedding. I told them I will do lots of exercises so it fits!! It is really cute...I love it! I am getting a special bow made for this dress too!! Mom would not let me take my bib off for very long when we tried on this dress!!! She was afraid I would stain it!
Mom and Dad got me my very own sippy cup!! It is so neat because I can hold it all by myself and chew on the top! The doctor said I can drink water now, so that is fun! I can carry this cup with me wherever I want!


Friday, August 22, 2008

This is what Daycare should be like!!!

I am the luckiest girl in the world and get to spend Monday through Friday with my best friend Sydney!! See, Miss Lori (Sydney's mom) is so nice and told my mom and dad she will babysit me when mom and dad are at work for the next month since my first babysitter was bad!

We had so much fun and played all day long. I think Miss Lori might have gotten a little tired by the end of the day though. It seemed like Miss Lori was feeding us, changing us and playing with us all day long! It was funny to watch her try to feed Sydney cereal and entertain me at the same time!! I hope I did not stress her out!! I can't wait until next week to play again!

Here are some pictures of us during our first day together!


Thursday, August 21, 2008


My first bite of cereal EVER!!!

and it is caught on tape....

Allergies are YUCKY!!

It appear I have more in common with my dad than just our looks!!! I have allergies just like him. Mom says "darn it"...she just hopes I do not get asthma!! We went to the doctor today and they said the itchy, red watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, and itchy ears are sure signs. They told mom and dad to give me children's Benadryl. I kinda like the is grape flavored!!! Mmmm!!

Here are some pictures of me all slobbery-faced and yucky with my allergies!! I have snot all over myself and I can not help it!



The day has finally come!!! I have finally been fed rice cereal! I wanted to eat real food for a long time now, but the doctor told mom and dad to wait until I was 6 months old! What a silly doctor...I was ready to eat months ago! After all, I am a big girl!

I thought the cereal was really tasty, but I would still rather eat a Popsicle! My mom did a good job feeding me, but I would rather feed myself!! Mom says she still has to feed me because I make a mess! I love my highchair because I can sit up really high and watch everything...I can even see mom and dad when they are in another part of the house!! So much fun! I wonder what yummy foods I get to eat next??

Here are some pictures!!


Worse Day of my Life!

I had the worse day of my life this week. First, mom dropped me off at daycare for the first time and she had to go to work. I could tell something was not right the night before so I really did not sleep at all. I kept waking up to make sure mom and dad were still home. They were thank goodness!

The teachers at daycare did not really pay much attention to me. In fact, they only fed me one 9:45 am (I assume there was some sort of a mix up). I kept trying to tell them I was hungry, but they thought my teeth hurt. Mom did not get to pick me up until 4:00 and boy was she mad and sad when she found out how hungry I was! Needless to say, mom and dad made sure I never go back there again. They are going to make sure that something like this never happens to another little baby. Good thing is that I am okay and I will not remember what happened to me!! Phew!!

I am now in good hands and Miss Lori is going to watch me for the next 3 weeks until Grandma Fimmen comes in town. That means I get to play with my best friend Sydney all the time! Grandma will then watch me for about 6 months!! I am one lucky girl and mom and dad are lucky to have such wonderful friends to take care of me!

My first day at Miss Lori's house was fun, but I did not feel really well. I missed my mom, dad and Murphy and I was in a strange place. I loved playing with Sydney though! I also love Sydney's big dog Rocky! Rocky loves to give me kisses!!

It turns out I have allergies! Mom took off work today to take me to the doctor and hang out with me because I do not feel good. My nose is stuffy and runny, my eyes itch and are all red and my ears are bothering me. I am a mess! Plus my teeth hurt me!! I can't wait until I feel better! I also can't wait for this week to be was not a very fun one!


Here are some pictures of me on my first day of daycare (I had no idea what the day had in store for me)!!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I am just learning how to wave "hi" took mom many video tries to capture this one! We are so excited to show everyone!!




My Mom's Last Day!

Today is the last day before my mom has to go to work and I go to daycare. We had a really fun day and just hung out at home and spent tons of time together. I love my mom and will miss her, but I am excited to meet all my new friends at daycare!! Here are some pictures from the day...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Getting ready for Chiefs game

This is a little out of order, but here is a video of me practicing cheering for the Chiefs game. Mom and Murphy are teaching me what to do!! One day I will be a cheerleader!!




Michael Phelps!

I have had so much fun watching the Olympics the past week or so! I have especially loved watching the gymnastics and swimming! I saw every one of Michael Phelps races!! I just love him and think it is so neat that he won 8 out of 8 gold metals!!! He is so cool!! Here are a few pics of us watching him win last night!!

Video of me at Chiefs game

It is really loud at the will have to turn up your volume to hear me giggle like crazy!! My Dad is so funny! I forgot to mention that I did my first official wave "hi" to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob at the game!!! All the practicing has paid off!




Go Chiefs!!

I went to my first Chiefs game last night and just had a ball!! Mom, Dad and I got there really early since it was such a beautiful day and we could hang out in the stadium and watch all the pregame events! It was so loud there, but I did not mind...I just cheered along with everyone! All the great smells of all the concession food made me so hungry that I finished 3 bottles while I was there! I got to go down by the field and see the players up was really neat! I got lots of compliments on how cute I am and how everyone loves my bow!! Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob even came over and sat with us for awhile! I have no idea who won or what the score was, but that really does not matter...all that matters is that I had so much fun!

After the game we went to eat pizza for dinner and Grandpa Horton came to visit with us before he leaves for Alaska...I am so happy I got to see him!


Saturday, August 16, 2008


I really love the computer! I especially love the keyboard and like to type along with mommy! It just drives her crazy because she will be typing along and I will add something like "dfgsa" right in the middle of her typing!!! It makes me laugh like crazy! Grandma Fimmen says I am picking stock quotes as many of the words I type do resemble them!! heehee!!!

Sometimes I get mad at my toys

They just make me so ANGRY sometimes!


I can giggle...check it out! Mom said the clip is not the best. Whenever I giggle she does not have the is a fun game we play (the minute she gets the camera I stop)!!!





I went to Deanna Rose Farmstead yesterday and boy was it fun!! First mom and I brought lunch and sat in the park to eat, then we got to go and see all the animals!! Dad met us soon after and we got to play with him too! I got to meet bunnies, bobcats, pigs, horses, birds, turkeys, cows, goats and all sorts of other creatures! It was really neat and I could tell mom and dad thought it was really fun too! The weather was just perfect too...only about 80 degrees! Mom got to feed me my bottle on a really comfy rocker outside under a shade tree! I can't wait to go back! I loved watching the animals and all the other kids too....wen I get big there is going to be so much fun stuff for me to do there...I can't hardly wait!! But, boy, does that fresh air make me sleepy!

Here are some fun pictures!