Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dress Up!

Aunt Jenny came over last week and brought me a really pretty dress I might wear for my pictures. The only problem is that it is a little snug on me! It is so pretty though and has the coolest hat! Here are some pictures of it! Mom and Dad have to take me to get my 6 month pictures soon!! Soon I will not be 6 months old anymore! We have just been so busy lately is crazy!!

Here are some pictures in my tutu...I will be wearing this in my 6 month photos. I am even getting a bow made from Grandma Vicki's friend that will match!!! I am so lucky! I feel like I need to get a princess wand made too...then I will be really fancy!

Here I am in my flower girl dress for Aunt Jenny's wedding. Mom and Aunt Jenny are worried it will be too small for the wedding. I told them I will do lots of exercises so it fits!! It is really cute...I love it! I am getting a special bow made for this dress too!! Mom would not let me take my bib off for very long when we tried on this dress!!! She was afraid I would stain it!
Mom and Dad got me my very own sippy cup!! It is so neat because I can hold it all by myself and chew on the top! The doctor said I can drink water now, so that is fun! I can carry this cup with me wherever I want!


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