Friday, April 10, 2009

The Easter Bunny's Coming...

I am really excited for the Easter Bunny to come Sunday! Grama Fimmen and I always sing the song together and she has had her decorations out for us to get all ready for the bunny! Last weekend mom, dad, Grama and Pa Fimmen all took me to an Easter egg hunt. It was really cold though...I had to bundle up to stay warm! I had never hunted for Easter eggs before, but boy did I get a lot of them!!! Once I got the hang of it, I grabbed as many as I could find! I might have even been the winner in the kids under 2 group....heehee!!! :)

Guess what? The Easter bunny was there and I got to meet him. Mom and I got our picture taken with him. He was much bigger than I imagined, but I loved him so much. I wanted to have lots of pictures taken with him. I was really disappointed when everyone told me it was the other kids turn with the Easter bunny. I wanted to talk with him all morning long!

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