Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our trip to Omaha

I am so glad that Daddy had the wonderful idea of our family going on a little vacation to Omaha. At first I thought "Nebraska? What in the world is in Nebraska?"...but it was such a fun time! We went to the Children's Museum where I played with water and got all wet, played on the slide and in a firetruck and got to meet all kinds of kids! I love other kids...I am not even afraid of the big kids...I just go right up to them to play! Sometimes I even touch them or give them hugs (if they let me). The museum had a giant room full of fun balls to play with and I thought that was really cool! Every kid rushed to fill the buckets up with balls and every few minutes all the balls in the buckets would go up into the ceiling and all fall down right on top of us...really neat stuff!

We got to eat out a lot...they even have mac and cheese and chicken fingers in Omaha! We went shopping and Daddy bought lots of stuff..not mommy this time!

We also got to go to the #2 zoo in America! It was cold and rainy, but luckily most of the exhibits were indoors. I got to see lots of fishies at the aquarium..I loved the bright colored ones. I also loved all the birdies. My most favorite animals were the monkeys!! The orangutans were just hilarious...they were trying to make us all laugh! One was even rolling around in a bucket! They would come right up the glass and scare me...but then I would laugh like crazy! All the kids loved the monkey's the did mom and dad! The gorilla's were pretty cool too...but too big for me...I prefer the little monkeys!!

We got to swim in the hotel swimming pool and play around the hotel. I especially loved bed time...well, I made sure there really was not a bedtime on this vacation! Since mommy, daddy and I were all in one hotel room I could see that we did not have the same bedtimes and that was just not fair, so I decided to stay up until their bedtime. What they did not know is that I really wanted to sleep in the comfy big bed they were in, so I would wake up every few hours and they would let me lay with them! It was so cool! I wish every night was vacation!

We are going to Florida in a few weeks for a really long vacation...I can' t wait to party!! I will keep you posted!

Here is a picture of me waiting for the balls to fall out of the big bucket over my head!

Chceking out my favorite Monkeys!!

Here one is!!!

1 comment:

Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

Kate- i LOVE that you love the monkeys- just like your aunt!

It was great seeing you yesterday and WOW- do you look old in all these pictures?

I Love you little girl :)