Friday, June 19, 2009

New stuff!

I have been very busy learning all sorts of things lately! I can say "car", "bus" and "truck" and love to ride in the car and call out all the fun vehicles I see!

Grama F. taught me the song "1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians" and I count on my hands when she sings the end of the song we make Indian sounds!! So much fun I make her do it over and over again!

I really like rotisserie chicken and yogurt! I ask for yogurt every night. Mom and dad say that is a good thing since I have been a rascal and will still not drink milk out of a cup! I have to get my calcium from somewhere. They are still trying to get me to eat string cheese, but I am not sure of it!

I am loving my books more and more every day! Dad reads the coolest nook to me that I now know how to read some of it...I can turn each page and say what is on "ball, book, chair, hat, pillow, banana (I call them "nannies"), girl, boy, etc". It is so much fun to read!

Grama F. is trying to teach me to spell my name. I think it will take a bit to get that one down...but I am trying!

This weekend is Father's Day and I am going to try to make it special for Daddy and my Pa's!! Happy Father's Day!



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