Sunday, August 9, 2009


It seems as if I am learning and doing so many new things everyday that it is hard to keep everyone updated on all the new stuff!!

I now talk like crazy and repeat everything and can say MANY words!! I am just guessing, but I think I understand and speak about 75+ word in the right context! My new favorite word is "Teetos" (Cheetos) and I beg for them all the time. I take mom or dads hand and ask them to "walk" with me....I take them to the pantry and proclaim "teetos". I get really mad when they tell me I can not have any or that they are "all gone".

I understand everything people say and listen to everything....even when they think I am not paying attention! The things I learn!!!! People have to start remembering I am a big girl and that I will repeat EVERYTHING YOU SAY!!! The other day I called someone a "sucker" because I heard mom say it! She was embarrassed!

I still love favorite toy in the world...I have to sleep with it and now insist we take it to Grama's every day. If we every forget to bring him home that will be very bad! I am also still obsessed with paci and love to sleep with at least 3 of them "more pacis"!

I love the Beach Boys song "Barbara Ann" and the song "Sha na na na, Sha na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye" and request we go to to listen and watch it all the time! I also really like the song "ba ba black sheep", so it gets confusing when I try to tell everyone which "ba ba" song I want them to sing for me.

I love all kinds of fruit, but am still a bit picky about what main courses I will eat (mac n cheese, pizza, chicken and hot dogs are my favorite). I still refuse to drink milk no matter how mom and dad try to disguise it (they think calling milk with chocolate in it "chocolate moo moo"...who do they think they are is still gross old MILK and I will not touch it)! I am obsessed will all things yummy and filled with is amazing how I can spot candy and sweets from a mile away!

Mom and dad set out a training potty on each floor and I love to sit on them and sing the potty song, but have not yet actually gone potty in the potty. I will say "poop" and then poop my pants, so I know when I have to go....I am just not yet ready to go in the potty!

I am wearing size 18 months and can not wait to get to wear all the fun fall clothes mommy has been buying me!! I even got really cool brown leather riding boots that are super cool! Mom wants to go out and get me some fun skirts and tights to go with them....maybe even a cute denim skirt! How much fun. She has been checking out this website called "" where people sell all kinds of handmade stuff! Mom is amazed at the fun stuff for kids (clothes, bows, purses, art work, etc) and some great prices! She says it is like going to the junior league holiday mart via your computer. Grama Vicki, you should check it would love it!

Our next big task is deciding what I will be for Halloween! I can not wait to find the perfect costume! I am trying to decide between being a lamby of being a monkey this year....hmm!!

Well, I will update you all again soon. Hopefully with pictures next time!

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