Monday, September 14, 2009

Some updates on me!

Here are some of the fun things I have been doing. It has been awhile since I have posted an entry like, I am sure I have forgotten to tell you all lots of things...sorry! Bottom line...I am really big!
  • I am very polite and say "please", "thank you" and "excuse me"...all by myself (usually without someone having to remind me how to use those important words)!
  • I do a really good job drinking out of a water bottle like mommy and daddy. I make daddy worried though...he thinks I might choke!!
  • I love all kinds of LIDS! I call them "yicks"....I love the lid to mommy's "yips" (lip gloss), the water bottle, containers, bowls, anything with I "yick" on them!
  • I have a hard time pronouncing "L's" - they sound more like "ya". For example: "licks and yips" (lids and lips)
  • I say lots of parents as teacher instructor, Becky, thinks I say over 200 words! She is very impressed with my vocabulary!!
  • I can put together 3 word phrases
  • I pretty much understand everything you say or ask of me. If I don't really understand then I will repeat the last word you said.
  • I started to call myself "Katie"! Katie-see, Katie-do, Katie-go, etc!! It all started when Nama (Grama F) started to call me Katie when she sang the potty song (it sounds better..."Katie's going potty, potty, potty....Katie's going potty...YES SHE IS!) and now I say it all the time. Mom and dad keep reminding me my name is KATE!
  • I say "come" when I want you to come with me
  • My favorite dance move is the twirl! I twirl and twirl until I get dizzy (and I say "Woa...dizzy") and fall down! I love to fall down....I even say "fall down" as I do it!
  • I say "I love you"...this is every one's favorite thing I say
  • Mommy loves it when I come from behind her and give her a great big hug around her legs!! She always makes a big deal of how nice that, I keep doing it!
  • If I think someone is trying to trick me I will ask them "see?". I want to see it for myself - otherwise I don't believe them! Just tonight daddy said the water was all gone from his water bottle. When I asked him "see?" I could see half a bottle full of water. DADDY tried to trick me...but it didn't work! HAHAHAHA!!

I am really becoming a BIG girl.




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