Saturday, October 17, 2009


Today mommy, daddy, Murphy and me all went down to Pittsburg! I got to play with Grama, Papa and my Great Grama and Great Papa! It was really fun! Great Grama and Great Papa had lots of fun snacks just for me....animal crackers in a really cool container and yummy chocolate wafer cookies! Mmmm!! I kept asking everyone to walk all around the house with me and had so much fun exploring!

When we went to Grama and Papa's house they had a really cool baby doll station for me and I just loved playing with my new doll (which I named Mia of course)! I pretended to change Baby Mia's diaper, to give her a bath (and made sure her toes were very clean) and get her all ready for her nap!

I had such a fun fun that I wore myself all out and fell asleep most of the way home! Good thing mommy remembered to bring my PJs....I wore my PJs home and then slipped right into bed!

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