Tuesday, December 29, 2009

More bed time...

When mommy puts me down to bed she puts lamby, Bella, Mia and Ducky all at my sides. After she does that she gets two more pacis (I already have 3 pacis from when she rocky rocks me and hums and shh's) and puts them on my chest. She them puts 5 fingers over my face and says..."you have 5 paci's Kate" and then counts all 5 (one in each hand, 2 on my chest and one in my mouth.- unless I like to trick her that night and hide one). I then giggle, mommy says she loves me and we say nigh night.

I almost forgot...I now sleep on a big girl pillow in my crib.

"Good night mommy"

"See ya, goodbye"

"I love you mommy"

All things I say to mommy as she leaves the room after putting me down to bed. Mommy was so excited once I started to tell her these things at bed time.

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