Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Texas here I come!

I have so much to tell you about our wonderful trip down to Texas to see Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Tom, Tom and Meghan! There is so much to tell you that I am going to do separate posts about each fun event from the trip!

Mommy, Daddy, Nama, Papa and I all left late Wednesday afternoon and drove to Oklahoma City to stay the night! We had a really full car load and had a great drive! We had to stop lots of times though because I kept telling them I had to go potty. Thing was – I did have to go and I finally went! At one stop they tried to get me to potty in this portable potty mommy bought at Babies R Us! I was not a fan and refused to use it! We had a great dinner at McDonalds and then headed to the hotel!

I LOVED the hotel! It was really pretty and I got to jump on the beds and play with the desk and phone! They even had a refrigerator just my size and I was able to get my own water all night! I slept between mommy and daddy and the next day had breakfast and then headed to Texas!


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