Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mommy is HOME!

Mommy was gone and was in Hong Kong and China for 2 whole weeks! Daddy and I had a lot of fun when she was gone, but I missed her. We talked on the phone and Skyped (talked to each other and saw each other through a video screen and webcam on the computer) every day!

Daddy and I went to the airport to pick her up Wednesday when she got home and we were all so excited to see each other! I was so excited that I was super hyper all day and even at the airport! When mommy cam off the plane I ran right to her and gave her a hug and a kiss, then ran in circles I was so excited! We went and looked at her plane (it was blue), met some of her friends and then took her suitcases to the car! After we went to Jalepenos for some good old American (I mean Mexican) food and then played all night at home!

Mommy did not go into work Thursday and we got to play. Mommy took me to school and picked me up. When we go home I was super excited to see she had put up lots of Christmas decorations! I helped mommy put up the tree and those was so fun and the house looks BEAUTIFUL!

I am so happy to have both my mommy and daddy at home with me!

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