Monday, January 17, 2011


Mommy told me all about Martin Luther King Jr. day today and it sounds really cool - especially the part where mommy gets a day off work! I wish daddy had off work too though...poor daddy!

Mommy and I played some this morning and then we had a girls day and shopped and played all day! We picked up Nama and went to Oak Park Mall! I really love the mall (and we rarely ever go there)! We went to the Disney Store, American Girl store, Build a Bear, lots of kids clothing stores and a few Nama and Mommy stores. I found exactly what I want for my birthday at American Girl (the cutest twin dolls) and had so much fun looking at all the cool dolls and accessories!

We had a yummy lunch at Panera where I had really good mac 'n cheese, some really cool squeezable yogurt and a couple bites of a heart sprinkle cookie!

After the mall we went to Target because I wanted to see if they put out my favorite Princess dolls on display and guess what....they did! I love that display because I can stand in the cart and press the buttons to hear each of the Princesses singing...totally cool!

After that I had to take a nap, then we went to the grocery store and went home to make dinner!

I love it when there are days off of work for mommy and/or daddy!

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