Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 6: Hollywood Studios Night!

We decided to take advantage of our Park hopper Passes (for the first time) and head to Hollywood Studios to watch the evening Fantasmic show. When we got there it almost immediately started to rain, so we put on ponchos and pulled out umbrellas!

I did not want a poncho so we concocted an arrangement with the umbrella on the stroller so I could stat dry! Daddy got us some popcorn to we could chill out until the rest slowed down.

We got to the outdoor theater for Fantasmic about an hour before the show started. Good thing, because it was already about 60% full. We got a good seat and entertained ourselves!

Mom brought a bunch of glow in the dark stuff that we played with and got all ready. I looked really cool once it got dark! We even shared some bracelets with kids who were sitting near us!

Daddy and me getting excited for the show!

and mommy and me!

and all of us!!!! xoxo

Here is a close up of all my bracelets!

The show was cool! Lots of fireworks, lights, water and load noises!! I got scared some, but just sat on the floor until the music got happy again!

The coolest part for me was what all the Disney characters came out on the boat! I wish they stuck around longer though! I loved that part!




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