Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 6: Lunch in Cinderella's Castle!!!

Mom and Dad did the COOLEST thing and booked us a lunch reservation to have lunch with the Princesses in Cinderella's castle. The reservations are really hard to get, but we got them!! We got to eat where the Princesses live!

Right when the servant walked us into the castle we were greeted by Cinderella! I got to talk with her, get her autograph and picture with her. They even gave us some pictures of the castle and with me & Cinderella before we left!

Here are dad and me getting excited to see what Princesses we will meet! Notice the magic wand...they gave that to me along with a star to wish on!

While we ate our lunch (I had chicken nuggets, corn, mashed potatoes, grapes and cheese. Mom & Dad had some sort of salad and dip thing and then beef short ribs or something) a story was read about each Princess over the speaker and then they would introduce her. The first was Snow White!

Then it was Aurora! I would get so excited to see who was coming next that I would jump up and down in my seat. It was tricky to concentrate on my lunch. Good thing I was starving!!

I screamed with joy when I saw the next Princess was Ariel! I had not met her yet and she is so cute and fun! Daddy liked her a lot too! She told me my hair clip looked like Cinderella was stuck in a bubble and then she asked me if I am learning how to swim. I told her yes!!

I had met Belle earlier in the day, but she changed into her casual blue dress. I was excited that i got to see her in both outfits! She asked me my name (and I told her)!

Here are some pictures of the castle! So pretty and such tall ceilings!

Here I am making a wish with the wand they gave me! I have my eyes closed so it really comes true! I wished to meet Peter Pan!

Yummy dessert! Cupcake with toppings!

Here is a closeup of my dessert! I loved it...especially the frosting. Mommy got raspberry sorbet and daddy got chocolate mouse!

What a FUN lunch! I wish I could eat lunch with the Princesses every day!





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