Sunday, August 14, 2011

Playing with Kids

When Nama and I were at the park the other day we had so much fun and she was so proud of me. There was a pretend "restaurant" and Nama and I would take each others orders - we had SO much fun! After awhile some other kids came and I wanted to play with them too. I would ask them their name and what they wanted to eat. If they were shy and did not know I would say "I have hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dog, macaroni and grilled cheese sandwiches". The kids would then place their order. I would then ran up the stairs to the "freezer" to get the food and then run back downstairs to serve it to them. They would say "thank you very much" and I would say "you're welcome". After that I would help the next kid in line.

Sometimes there would be about 4 kids in line at one time! I helped and played with about 10 kids. I got to meet so many new friends. I hope they come to the park again!

Everyone was so proud of me when they heard this story. This is not something I do everyday....but they are all hoping this continues!

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