Friday, October 7, 2011

Field first one EVER!

On Thursday mommy, daddy and I went to Johnson Farms Pumpkin Patch for my VERY FIRST SCHOOL FIELD TRIP! It was so cool! We went on the hay ride, each got to pick 1 pumpkin, saw a bunch of animals, played on all the fun stuff, did a cool maze and had lunch there!

My friend Meghan was even there! I got a picture with her! We were all lucky enough to see baby pigs! One litter that was 2 weeks old and another that was only 2 days old!!! They were so cute, but smelly! The farmer told us we had to be really quiet when we visited the pigs so we did not upset the mommy pigs! We were good and quiet!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Here I am waiting for everyone to come!

Me and my Princess lunch box...I brought a cool lunch!

Me and my friend Megan! See, she always wears BIG bows in her hair!

Me and a bunch of kids on the hay ride (they are not all from my class...they are from my school though)!

This is the pumpkin I picked!

Look at the baby pigs...14 of them (these are the piggies that are 2 days old)!

I liked the baby chicks!

Yummy lunch!!

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