Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cousin Colleen Weekend!!!

This weekend mommy's cousin Colleen came into town from Chicago! Everyone was so excited for her to get into town - mommy even took off work on Friday to have a girls day. I was lucky enough to play a little with the girls during girls day too! After mommy and I did some shopping in the morning we met Nama, Papa, Colleen and Aunt Jenny at La Bodega for lunch. They had really yummy mac and cheese and we had lots of fun. Then us girls shopped a little and then I had to go to Nama's house while the rest of the girls went out for the day! I was really bummed that I did not get to do all the fun stuff they did....

They went to the Plaza and shopped, shopped, shopped, then went to happy hour and McCormick's and Schmicks's, then shopped, shopped, shopped, then went out for a drink at Plaza 3, then went to reverse happy hour and had chocolate fondue and drinks at The Melting Pot (Yummy food, but I heard the restaurant spelled like a boys locker room....weird and gross)! After their fun Plaza time they stayed the night at the Marriott hotel on the adult-only sleepover! They had so much fun, but that was not all....the next morning they went out to breakfast at Eggcetera and then mommy came home to get me to join the fun!!!

Once she got me we met all the girls (even Anna and Ashley) at Nama's house to play, then mommy, Colleen and I went to a few places to shop (I love girls day shopping) and then we all went to the spa for manicures and pedicures (I learned you call them "mani's and pedi's to be cool)! Papa even met us at the spa!! I got both my fingers and toes done and was such a big girl. I even carried on a conversation with the Asian grandma who was doing my nails. It went something like this...
me: "That is my cousin Colleen"
her: "Yes, I do speak Chinese"
me: nodding head (a little confused), but went with it all like a big girl
her: what is your name?
me: Kate (that was easy)
her: ?????
me: (smiles and nods)....everyone was so proud of me and she kept playing with my curls and asking me about them (I think)

After nails we all went out to dinner at.....Jalapenos (my favorite)! It was really yummy and they gave us a really good big table. After dinner we went to the candy shop and got some awesome end to a wonderful weekend!

I can't wait to see Colleen again...we all talked about going to Chicago to visit her. I hope that is really soon!

Nail time!!!

Papa, Aunt Jenny and Colleen getting pedicures!
She was doing my pedi here. I was kinda far away from everyone, but such a big girl relaxing and enjoying all the pampering! Did I tell you she gave me 4 flowers? The one's on my toes even have diamonds on them!


Mommy, Colleen and Aunt Jenny at Jalapenos...

Anna and I eating cheese dip...YUMMY!!!

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