Sunday, February 19, 2012

My day!!

Since today is my birthday I was able to choose anything I wanted to do. We started the day with present opening and then Ashley's birthday party. After that we did not have any plans, so I decided we should go to Oak Park Mall!!! I wanted to get the free mini Build a Bear t-shirts to fit my Happy Meal Bears PLUS, there is a carousel, the Disney store and American Girl store!

Here I am super excited standing in line for the carousel!!

I choose to ride on the Panda Bear on the 2nd level! I wanted to be up high!
Funny picture of Daddy down below watching us!

Mommy and me!

Up I go!!

Here I am in the American Girl store. I found twins just like Thomas and Julie!

Look, I can get an outfit just like Julie's..super cool (although mom wasn't jumping at the idea of me and my doll dressing alike...weird)!

As we were leaving the mall I started to not feel well again and became VERY tired. Once we got home and into jammies I tried to take a nap, but couldn' we just cuddled and watched movies.

I had a WONDERFUL 4th birthday!

Thank you everyone for making it SO special!




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