Sunday, April 8, 2012

Leader Day!!

Last week I was lucky enough to be the leader again at school! This time I brought my Pocahontas doll for show and tell. I have to admit I was not as into it as I was last time (after all, I have done this before). but I had fun telling all about the weather...after I took the weather stick outside and then sharing my show and tell. I answered all the kids questions..."where do you keep it? - me "on a shelf"..."where does it sleep" - me "on a shelf"..."how do you play with it?" - me"mom, how do I play with it?"

It was all real fun and I am really glad mommy came to school to watch me. When my show and tell was all over I told mom it was time for her to go....then I gave her a hug and kiss goodbye!

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