Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Memorial Day weekend!  We had so much fun this weekend!

Unfortunately, daddy was really sick today.  He had a fever all day and a really bad tummy ache.  He had to rest because he travels for work tomorrow...hope you are better soon daddy!

Mommy and I went to Deanna Rose Farm today to play and check out the animals.  We went this morning before it was too crowded and hot and we had a BLAST!

Here we are having breakfast and rocking in the shade!
 I am feeding the baby goats. We first went into the pen, but they were hungry and attacked us!  One ate my shoe, they all jumped up on use and even tried to eat my shirt.  Needless to say, we left the pen and fed them from outside!!
 We made an art and craft project together in the school house. It was fun and a cool activity to do (the school house has air conditioning)!
 We played on the swings and then on the playground!
 Here is my finished artwork...a frame for daddy!

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