Friday, August 31, 2012

Meet the Teacher day!

This morning mommy, daddy and I went to meet the teacher day at school.  This year I am in the Blue room and my teachers are Mrs. Cronin and Mrs. Hawk.  I think there names are cool.  I told mom and dad "my teachers are like birds" - meaning their names!!  I have school Monday, Wednesday and Friday's from 9:30-12:00.

After we met my teacher (who are very nice) and explored my classroom (it is the same room I had summer camp in, so I am familiar with it) we went to check out Anna's class and then I took mom and dad on a tour of school!  It was so much fun and I can't wait until my first day next Wednesday!!

Here are my teachers...Mrs. Hawk

 and Mrs. Cronin



This morning was so nice...daddy took off work and mommy worked from Starbucks so they could both take me to meet the teacher day at school.  We got to sleep in, rest and play and even go out to breakfast.  we have never had McDonalds breakfast together.  It was so fun because I was the only kid in the playland!  Here I am playing and exploring!


Performance pictures

Here are Anna, Ashley and I performing tonight for Gigi, Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, mommy and daddy. We would go and practice and then come down to much fun!!!  Notice I am without pants and Anna and Ashley are without shirt..funny cousins!



Tonight we all went to Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna and Ashley's house for dinner.  Anna, Ashley and I put on performances for everyone.  Here I am doing my solo...


Thursday, August 30, 2012


I may already know what I want to be when I grown up...well, if I am not an actress perhaps I will be a real estate agent!

This weekend mommy, daddy, Papa Dick and I went to a few open houses to look at houses.  I told everyone I was the realtor. 

As we were driving to the house I asked everyone "what is your budget?"- everyone was surprised I knew what a budget was and that a relator asks people that (they all forgot how often we have House Hunters on HGTV on at our house...I picked up a thing or two). 

When we got to the house I would open the door for everyone to enter.  I would call out something cool or unique in each room like "look at the extra wide doors" or "don't you just love the soft carpet?".

 I would also get personal with my clients and say things like "your children would love the pink walls of this bedroom".

I also suggested the best house and carried all the paperwork around!  It was so much fun....I guess I am a lot like mommy!  She would love to be a realtor too!!  Maybe when I get big we can both be realtors together!

Playing with Words

I LOVE to make funny sentences and use words in fun and imaginative ways. Here is the latest...
-We were at lunch the other day when I let everyone know "I am chilly at Chili's!"
- I love jalapenos at Jalapenos!"

Hee hee!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Just like mommy...

Here I am all dressed up and ready to go out to dinner the other night.  Mommy had on her skinny jeans and I wanted to be just like here.  She was also wearing a black tank top and, I did too!  Like mommy, like!

Ballet and tap!

I have ballet and tap every Saturday at 1:30 and I LOVE it!  Here are some pictures from this week!

They put a star on my right tap shoe so I know what to do then...

All ready to dance!

Here is one of my dance teachers showing us some moves!

Here I am doing the moves she just taught me!

Mommy Shop is 2!

This weekend Aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley, mommy and I went to a little party the Mommy Shop (a kid boutique) had to celebrate its 2nd birthday.  Although not a huge event, it was free and fun!  We got tattoos, our faces painted, had balloon animals made and even got to get our pictures taken in a photo booth!

Here I am getting a tattoo done on my hand!

Anna is showing off her tattoo and doggie she had painted on her hand!

I had a unicorn painted on my face!!


Here we are in the photo booth - believe it or not, this was a better picture than the one's the photo booth took!

Here I am with my balloon....we set them on the ground and they started popping....then none of us wanted anything to do with them!

Watching the balloon man - see him in the background.  He was really silly!

Jeep time!

I have become an excellent jeep driver.  So good that I think I should get my drivers license!  I can reverse, drive really fast and even park like a pro!  I love showing everyone that comes over my driving skills!!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dancer Girl!

I had such an incredible day of dancing!  Dance class was a success!  I danced and danced, listened to Miss Marilyn and learned so much!  I was also the leader most of the class and led the class around the room, was used to demonstrate how to do stuff for the other was so great!  Their are 6 girls in my class and we all had so much fun! 

Here I am before class...

These are my new tap shoes.  We got the sparly pink elastics so I could take my shoes on and off easily and so I can tell which one's are mine!

It was so cool I had pink hair in class today!!

Here I am leading the class around the room!

Here we are doing barre work!  We worked on lots of dance steps!

Dancing with flowers!

Here me and another girl were doing our own dancing.  I chose to twirl and twirl!

We got in groups of 3, held hands and worked on tip toe and lots of other fun stuff!

I love dancing and can't wait until next Saturday!  What a difference 18 months makes!

Price Chopper Annual Block Party!!

This morning mommy and I met Aunt Jenny, Anna and Ashley at the Annual Block Party our local Price Chopper puts on every year. It was my 3rd time being there and it just gets better and better!!  Here are some of the fun AND FREE things we got to do...

Decorate our very own cupcake!

Go down a cool inflatable slide!  I am helping Anna take off her shoes here...then sliding!

We met some bear and got some muffins!

We got LOTS of free stuff!  Here we are with BBQ sauce!

Yummy free dogs, chips and drinks!

More chips!

We even got our hair turned colors!  I picked pink and Anna picked purple!  Super cool!  They also had AMAZING face painting, but the line was always too long - maybe next year!

Here we are in a fire truck!  We met firemen and got to sit in back of the fire truck!

It was such an awesome morning...I can't wait until we get to go again next year!