Thursday, August 30, 2012


I may already know what I want to be when I grown up...well, if I am not an actress perhaps I will be a real estate agent!

This weekend mommy, daddy, Papa Dick and I went to a few open houses to look at houses.  I told everyone I was the realtor. 

As we were driving to the house I asked everyone "what is your budget?"- everyone was surprised I knew what a budget was and that a relator asks people that (they all forgot how often we have House Hunters on HGTV on at our house...I picked up a thing or two). 

When we got to the house I would open the door for everyone to enter.  I would call out something cool or unique in each room like "look at the extra wide doors" or "don't you just love the soft carpet?".

 I would also get personal with my clients and say things like "your children would love the pink walls of this bedroom".

I also suggested the best house and carried all the paperwork around!  It was so much fun....I guess I am a lot like mommy!  She would love to be a realtor too!!  Maybe when I get big we can both be realtors together!

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