Friday, September 7, 2012

A Blog post from Anna and Ashley...

Kate Day:

Since Grama went out of town today we decided to have Kate over for the day. She showed up right after Anna woke up and you won't believe what she was wearing.... her strawberry shortcake dress. She was hoping that there could be three strawberry shortcakes and guess what?!?!?!

 There was! 3 curly haired strawberry shortcakes!

We had so much fun reading TONS of books with mommy (she easily read over 15), playing outside, swinging on the swings, acted super silly as bucket head girls, painting nails and feet, having dance parties, playing in the water table and coloring our babies with chalk, playing in the basement, all three taking naps and just being together. We even got to eat breakfast outside! We had never done that before :)

We love playing with our cousins!

Anna and Ashley

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