Thursday, September 13, 2012

Garage Sale FUN!

Today is the garage sale and Nama and Papa's and I can barely contain myself!!!  Yesterday while we were getting the sale ready I told Nama "I am going to have happy dreams tonight".  She asked me why and I said "because of the garage sale".

When I woke up this morning the first thing I said was "Mommy...garage sale.  I almost forgot...I knew today was going to be a special and happy day!"

I am so excited today because "this is the first time I have been a worker" and I got to run a lemonade stand!!  Let me tell you about my lemonade stand....I have lemonade, brownies and lots of decorations to make the stand look fancy!!  Anna, Ashley and I are going to make SO MUCH MONEY!!!

So far we have had MANY garage sale customers....and we had our first Lemonade Stand sale!!!  A woman came and bought 4 BROWNIES - we made $1!  I said to her "welcome to our lemonade stand."  After she bought the brownies I increased my sales pitch and said "we have lemonade for sale too".  Since then we have sold 2 cups of lemonade and 2 more brownies.  I even got my first TIP!  A woman bought 2 brownies...I said "that will be 50 cents" and she gave me a dollar.  As I went to give her change she said..."keep it- it is your tip"!  I ran to Papa and showed him my dollar!  This is so EXCITING!

We have also sold a lot of my baby clothes I never wore - the one's with the tags on it!  THIS IS SO FUN!

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