Sunday, September 30, 2012

Leader Day

This Wednesday I was leader at school.  I was so excited because I knew exactly who I was going to bring for show and tell...Lambie!  I was really excited because when the kids asked me when I got him I was going to say "at my baptism".

Leader day went really well.  Mommy came to watch and video taped my show and tell.  First I told the class the weather "cold and rainy", then I showed them Lambie.  When the teacher asked me to tell them something about Lambie I froze up and said "umm, umm, umm" - see, mom and I did not practice that part.  We only practiced the who, what, where, when and why questions.  I did tell the class - "This is my Lamb".  Then they asked the first question...."when did you get him?"....this was the question I was ready to answer, but for some reason I forgot my answer and asked mommy "mom, when did I get him?"  Mom told me I knew and then i told my class "at my baptism".  The rest of the questions went well and I was having fun!

I got to lead the class in line and set the tables with stuff for all the kids.  It was a GREAT day!


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