Saturday, October 27, 2012

Open House

We had our fall open house at school this Thursday.  Mommy and Daddy came and we even saw Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna and Ashley and got to walk around with them.  I toured everyone through my class and the school.  I showed mom and dad my artwork and pictures from school.  There were a few of me and my friend Ike in the photo album (mom took a picture of them). 

I love school!

Holiday Mart!!

Here are some fun pictures from the Holiday Mart (and right after) from last week.  I LOVE to shop!


Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

Today Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came in town!  We had a great pizza lunch, shopped for houses, played and played and played!!  What a fun day!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween Party!

Patrick's Halloween party was really fun!  We played lots of games, won lots of prizes and played like crazy!  We even got monster teeth to wear (see the picture of Ella, Hadley, me, Landry and Peyton)!!  Take a look at some of the pictures!



Today was a great day!  Mommy worked from Starbucks and was able to take me and pick me up from school!  I was really excited and told both my teachers all about how excited I was!

After school I had a special treat and she took me to McDonalds!  After we ran a few errands we went home and Aunt Jenny, Anna and Ashley came over for a little bit.  Here are some pictures of us Princesses....Anna was Aerial, Ashley was Snow White and I was Halloween costume.

After they left mom and I headed to a Halloween Party.  It was at Patrick from my classes house and lots of my school friends were there!  I loved my costume...I even let mom do my hair and put jewels on my face!  AWESOME!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pictures from school

Today my teacher Mrs. Cronin sent us some pictures from the first few days of school...check them out!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Photo Booth

Aunt Jenny just posted this, so we thought we would too.  This summer we all went to the Mommy Shop's birthday party and they had a photo booth there.  Anna, Ashley and I thought it would be fun to get our pictures taken....take a look at the masterpiece!!  Heehee!


This weekend we went to Pittsburg to visit everyone and go to the PSU football game.  It was homecoming weekend so the town was busy and we had to wait in a really long line for lunch at the mall deli with Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!  I had a lot of fun at the game (even though they lost by LOTS of points) and kept busy by eating lots of ball game snacks and sitting with Nama Vicki and her friends.  I even got into balancing the water bottles and got really good at it!  I even got mommy, Nama Vicki and Gipa to balance like me too!

After the game we met Gigi and Gipa at Josie's for a yummy Italian dinner!  Then we all went to Gigi and Gipa's house where I put on a dance party and we all had dessert!  It was a quick, but fun trip and I can't wait until we go back!


Girls Day!!!

Mommy took off work on Thursday and she, Nama and I had a wonderful girls day!  We started it off by running a few errands and then ate lunch at Blanc Burger on the Plaza and we had a wonderful lunch!

Once our belly's were all full we headed to the WONDERFUL Holiday mart!  Mommy gets super excited for it each year and I understand why!  We had a full day full of shopping and samples!  My favorite parts were looking for kids stuff and trying all the amazing samples.  My favorite was the Cuginos bread an garlic spread.  I must had tried it 7 or times.  Each time I went to the booth the man at the booth would but the yummy marinara sauce in my reach - he knew how much I loved it!  Mommy felt guilty we kept sampling that she finally had to buy a jar!!

We even got to see Nama Vicki at the Holiday mart and shop around with her for awhile.  It was such a great girls day!!  We can't wait until next year!  Boy am I glad I glad I am big enough now to be apart of the tradition!

Pumpkin Patch!

Last weekend we had our annual trip to the pumpkin patch and we had a blast!!!  We went with Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Anna and Ashley and played and played!  As usual, we got almost 200 pounds of pumpkins!  It is so fun to pick them all out in the field.  This year we had more of a plan and all got just the right pumpkins for all our houses!  You should see our front porch - all decorated for fall and it looks SO pretty!  We will have to take some pictures and blog them.

We played on all the fun stuff Johnson Farms had set up like a maze, slides, giant inflatable bouncy thing, watched them launch gigantic pumpkins into the water and had so much fun!  I love our family tradition!
