Sunday, October 21, 2012

Girls Day!!!

Mommy took off work on Thursday and she, Nama and I had a wonderful girls day!  We started it off by running a few errands and then ate lunch at Blanc Burger on the Plaza and we had a wonderful lunch!

Once our belly's were all full we headed to the WONDERFUL Holiday mart!  Mommy gets super excited for it each year and I understand why!  We had a full day full of shopping and samples!  My favorite parts were looking for kids stuff and trying all the amazing samples.  My favorite was the Cuginos bread an garlic spread.  I must had tried it 7 or times.  Each time I went to the booth the man at the booth would but the yummy marinara sauce in my reach - he knew how much I loved it!  Mommy felt guilty we kept sampling that she finally had to buy a jar!!

We even got to see Nama Vicki at the Holiday mart and shop around with her for awhile.  It was such a great girls day!!  We can't wait until next year!  Boy am I glad I glad I am big enough now to be apart of the tradition!

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