Friday, November 2, 2012

Italian Begone!

Tuesday night I surprised mommy and daddy by making them dinner (with Nama's help of course).  When they came to pick me up at Nama's I had a sign at the door "Open for business. Kate / Nama.  Italian Begone".  The sign was for the restaurant I made.  When they came in I sat them to their table.  I was wearing an apron and carrying a waitress notepad.

I named the restaurant "Italian Begone".  When they asked me what the name meant I told them that the Italian food would be so good it would "be gone"!  Hence the name...everyone loved it!

I set the table (even with a table clothe) all by myself.  I was so excited to serve them water, apple cider and then set it all the yummy food: fried chicken, salad, corn and strawberries.  I even brought them cheese and crackers as an appetizer!  They loved it and said they felt so special!

Nama and I ate dinner with them and we had SO MUCH FUN!  I love owning my own restaurant!


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