Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve!!!

We always spend Christmas Eve with Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Uncle Chris, Gigi and Gipa....and it is ALWAYS so much fun!  This year we had a wonderful Christmas.  We started by going out to lunch at the Mall Deli, throwing pennies in the fountain and even winning a little green elephant (I named her "Ellie") at the arcade! 

We had a yummy lasagna dinner and then the FUN began...and do I mean FUN!  We all opened tons of presents and had a great time hanging out!

I got such great stuff...thank you everyone!  The highlight must be my American Girl Doll...I named her Taylor (after a few names, I think this one will stick) and I just LOVE her!  I also got lots of accessories and clothes for Taylor, a watch, a fun map of the USA game to play, Merida costume, Brave movie, Tinkerbell stuff...and I could go on and on...it was AMAZING!


It was such a wonderful time...Merry Christmas!

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