Saturday, December 1, 2012

Luminary walk!

Last night Nama, Mommy, aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley and I all went to the Arboretum for the Luminary Walk.  It was so neat!  They has little lights lit EVERYWHERE and you walked along these paths with all the looked like a movie!  We walked and walked, had apple cider, took at peak at Santa (but did not want to stand in the line), saw the choo choo train and just had a great time!

It was such a beautiful evening that most of overland park was there, but it wasn't too crowded once you got it!  It was a night to remember and one we will have to take the boys too next year.  This year Daddy and Papa went to the KU basketball game and Uncle rob was doing something with the church.

It is definitely a holiday tradition!


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