Wednesday, February 20, 2013

5 Year Old!!!

I am very happy to tell you I am not officially 5 years old!!!  I woke up in the middle of the night and leaned over and told mom "it is my birthday, I am 5!".  Mommy told me it was my birthday, then she told me happy birthday, gave me a kiss and told me to go to bed!  when it was finally morning I was so excited to be 5.  I told mom that I did not feel any taller and I thought that just maybe I was still 4.  She assured me I really was 5!

We spent my first morning being 5 having breakfast at the hotel, then spent a long time swimming and doing water slides!  It was the perfect morning!

Take a look at a birthday present from mom and dad....matching outfits for Taylor and me. I LOVE it!


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