Sunday, April 21, 2013

Soccer Girl!

I had 2 soccer games this weekend!  Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came to my game yesterday.  It was fun to have an audience!  I really had a lot of fun.  Out team did really good!  The lesson I learned after this game was to be more aggressive and to go after the ball!  I was a bit timid during the game.

Today's game I did a great job at applying that learning and I did such a great job!  I went after the ball and kicked it a lot!  Our team won (although no one officially keeps score)!  Nama and Papa came to this game and got to see me as a soccer star!  I learned how to throw the ball in and start the play off my kicking it to my team mates!

My doll Taylor has a soccer outfit and she and I both wore them.  She rode with me to the game, but stayed in the car during the game...cheering me on from the parking lot!


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