Monday, May 13, 2013

School Field Trip!

Friday mom took me to my school field trip at the Arboretum!  We had SO MUCH FUN!  Addison, Taylor, Addi and I played like crazy!  I held Taylor's hand most of the field trip!  We saw birds, squirrels, plants and outdoorsy stuff like that.  We ate a picnic lunch and played....the best part was playing with my friends!

Here are my friends!!

Here are Taylor and I - we played a lot together.  Us girls spent most the time up front with the teachers...and holding hands!

We are singing songs with Mrs. Cronin on top of the mountain - at the teepee!

Here are Addison, Addi, Landry and me jumping and playing!!!


The boys joined us here!

Addison, Addi and I playing!

I had so much fun and can't hardly believe that school is almost over (only 2 more days)!

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