Sunday, May 26, 2013

World of Fun!!

Yesterday Daddy, mommy, Papa Dick and I all went to Worlds of Fun!  It was a beautiful day!  We rode TONS of rides.  My favorite was a new one for me called the "Sea Dragon".  It was like a giant ship that rocked back and forth and went higher and higher.  It was really crazy and made my belly flip and flop - like when we do 1,2,3, wee....way!  It was CRAZY!  I also love the log ride (wait until you see the last picture in this post - totally awesome)!

When mommy and daddy were standing in line for some crazy roller coaster, Papa Dick and I did some games.  He won me 2 monkey's by shooting a gun at a target.  I then won a dolphin when the man could not guess my weight!!  It was such a great day!

After WOF, we met Nama Vicki at Garozzo's for buy one get one free chicken spedini...AWESOME!


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