Saturday, November 23, 2013

Conversation with Santa...

 Today we went to see Santa!  I love seeing Santa each year and telling him what I want for Christmas!

This year I wanted to tell Santa that I wanted a present that is not already on my list, because someone else might already be getting it for me.  So, I wracked my brain on some good ideas.  I decided I was going to tell him I wanted toys from the movie Frozen.  Only problem was that I was not sure how to say it.  I practice different ways to say it, but I always forgot Elsa, one of the toys I want. 

When it was my turn to meet Santa, I got a bit shy and wanted mom to walk me up to him.  I sat on his lap and we took a few pictures.  Then he asked me what I wanted and I totally are some pictures of the conversation with voice over...

Santa: "Kate, what do you want for Christmas?"
Me:  "ummmmmm.....well....."

Me: "I forgot....ummm" (looking at mom and dad for assistance)

Me: "hmm..." (thinking really hard)

Santa: "You forgot?  I bet you can remember something on that list of yours"
Me: "I don't know why I forgot..."

Me: "Oh yeah, Frozen toys.  And an American Girl doll." (thanks for reminding me mom and dad...yikes)

Santa: "Very good Kate, I will see what I can do"
Me: relief!

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