Friday, November 1, 2013

Star Student!

This week was a special week for me at school.   I was Star student (student of the week)!!!  

On Monday I brought in 7 pictures and filled out a worksheet all about me and presented it to my classroom.  The class loved the picture of me as a baby!!  Below you can see everything I presented!  Mrs. Richardson told mommy that I did a great job presenting and that I was really cute!

On Tuesday I brought my favorite story (Spoon) and Mrs. Richardson read it to the class!  

On Wednesday I got to wear my favorite color and even got to bring Lambie to school with me!!

On Thursday I got to sit at Mrs. Richardson's desk during morning work!

On Friday I had show and tell!  I brought in my albums and autograph books from Disney World!

It was an awesome week!!!


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