Friday, December 20, 2013

Family PJs!!!

Mom placed a HUGE present under the Christmas tree a few weeks ago that said "open my on Christmas Eve".  It has been killing me ever since and just about every day I ask her if I can open the present....she says no!

Today I was totally surprised when mom told me that I could open it...YIPPEE!!  It is not Christmas Eve, but I'm not complaining!  To my wonderful surprise the present was matching family Christmas PJs (something I had on my Christmas list)!  They are really awesome!  I told mom that they are the best present I have ever gotten!

Mom, Dad and I all have matching PJs and we wore them tonight on our annual Christmas /PJ/hot cocoa light tour!!  LOVE them!  I was super excited that we even got Dad to wear them...out of the house!  Now, to get him to wear them all day on Christmas...

P.S.  Did you notice each pair has our name on them??  Super Cool!

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