Friday, June 27, 2014

Beaver Creek - Fun Evening!!

Mom and I spent an evening in Beaver Creek.  We started by having happy hour (wine and hot cocoa) overlooking the ice skating rink!  We had a yummy dinner of pizza (we had LOTS of pizza) and then went ICE SKATING!

It was my first time ice skating ever and I was SUPER EXCITED!  I did a great job with it being my first time, but I really had to hold on to mom or the railing to glide around.  I only fell a few times.  After about 6 or 7 times around the rink I was ankles were hurting!

After we rewarded ourselves with really yummy gelato!  I picked out the cake batter and mom picked out chocolate chip....we shared although we both really wanted more of my flavor!!

It was SUCH a fun evening!


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