Friday, November 14, 2014

Girl Scout Derby Races!!

Tonight was the Derby races!  Dad helped me build a car (with his friend from work)!  We painted it orange and covered it in hot pink sprinkles!  

I named her "Shiny"!  We went to the weigh-in Wednesday and she was ready to go!

4 other girls from my Daisy troop came and we had fun cheering on our cars!

Shiny placed 6th 4 times and 5th 2 times (this is out of 6 cars)!  Needless to say, she was not the fastest car out there tonight, but she was the shiniest!!

I did not care for losing, so dad is starting his pinewood derby car research tonight!!! ;)

The excitement sure wore me out!!  I was passed out before we got out of the school parking lot!!

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