Monday, August 10, 2015

Meet the teacher night!!

School is only two days away and tonight was the night I got to met my second grade teacher...Mrs. Maher!!  I was really excited because I had already met her this summer during my second grade camp!

When I walked into her class she ran right up to me and gave me a big hug and said she wanted to tell me during camp that she would be in my class, but that she couldn't as she did not know if the classes would get moved around or not!  She was so nice!

I have 24 kids in my class...its a bummer that Addi is not in my class, but I do have some friends with me!!

After we met my teacher and put away all my school supplies we hung out with Addi and Miss Jennifer and got snow cones!

Then, us girls went out for a night on the town...complete with manicures, pedicures, dinner and froyo!!!  What a fun night!!


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