Sunday, January 24, 2016

Paris: Day 1

We arrived in Paris at 9:40 this morning after a very uncomfortable 8 hour flight from Chicago.  I could not fall asleep at all, so I spent a good portion of the day filling my body with caffeine to give me energy!  I must say that I had the best capaccino of my life at a place called "the cottage"!!!  

We then spent the day shopping and we saw some key Paris landmarks from the car (Eiffel tower and Notre Dame).  I think we may be headed to the Eiffel Tower tomorrow evening!

We ordered crepes and they were fabulous!  I ordered grandmarnet crepes that the set on fire!!

I had an amazing bowl of French onion soup and am back in the hotel to get a good amount of text tonight so that I am ready for the big day tomorrow of walking the Maison show! Should be a great day!

I will say that while I have not seen Paris landmarks up close yet, I can see why people love this city!


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