Saturday, February 27, 2016

Slumber party night time fun!!

The girls are having such a fun night!  It is much more work than I ever imagined as there has been some 8 year old drama I've had to deal with, but boy have they had fun!

They had Chick-fil-a chicken, berries and chips for dinner, made their own lip balm and lotion, opened gifts, sang happy birthday and ate cookie cake, had a dance party and even decorated our own pillow cases!

The girls loved the decorations and sleeping tent and really lived their party favors (matching pjs for themselves and their doll)!  

I'm able to blog right now as they are relaxing and watching a movie (Ella Enchanted)!  Straight to bed after this.  Thinking it may be about 10:30 before they are asleep....maybe they will sleep in until 8am??? Please!!


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