Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Our Thanksgiving was a bit different than Thanksgiving's in the past!  Uncle Tom was out of town to ref a game so we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Turkey Saturday.  On Thanksgiving we did the 5K and then went to Nama and Papa's house for family fun, appetizers, pizza and Black Friday Shopping!

This was my first official year to do Black Friday and I was SO excited!  We started at 6pm when Target opened and then went everywhere we could think of until Mom, Nama and I got back to Nama's house at 12:30am!!  Mom and I stayed the night and even some more shopping Friday morning!  Mom woke we up at 5:45am and asked if I wanted to go back out to shop - I decided to keep sleeping while she shopped!  I joined her again about 10am where we completed our Black Friday shopping with a stop at Starbucks and then at Jalapeno's to join Dad for lunch and a celebration of the fun shopping!!

Mom and I got matching jammies!!


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