Thursday, January 17, 2019

Christmas Morning...

I love waking up on Christmas morning and running into mom and dad's room and begging them to wake up and get out of bed so we can open presents.   Well....this year they may have been up before me, mom showered and hair blow dried before I woke up....but I was still super excited and was awake before 8am.

We all ran downstairs to the basement to see that Santa came and left us LOADS of presents!!!  We always have fun opening one at a time to see what everyone got - and of course I always get the most!!!

I got so many wonderful presents before breakfast- including Lululemon leggings, an Athleta bag for sports and a table and comfy chairs for my lounge!

When it appeared we were done with gifts we went upstairs and had a yummy breakfast.  After breakfast mom and dad asked me to get something out of the downstairs microwave and guess what???!!!!  I had one more present there....AND IT WAS A BRAND NEW IPHONE XR!!!!  MY FIRST EVER PHONE....THAT I CAN MAKE CALLS AND TEXT FROM....ANYWHERE!  I lost my amazing!!

We spent a good part of the morning programming my phone and learning how it works.  SO AWESOME!!

Merry Christmas!



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